Megastar Amitabh Bachchan expressed his pround fondness for Superstar Rajinikanth, shortly after unveiling the trailer of the latter’s upcoming 3 D film, Kochadaiiyan. The star was in awe with the way Rajini and his daughter Soundarya came up with this magnum opus that is soon to hit the marquee.
“Rajini has a huge following in Chennai…south one must go there and see it. His fans fill up theatres and not all get to see his film first day, first show. Even after several weeks if one goes to see the film, one wouldn’t be able to hear anything as fans keep screaming, applauding..its is amazing” he said, while talking to the press in Mumbai after the event.
Talking about his views on Kochadaiiyan, Big B was amazed at the efforts made to make the film as such – “I hope theaters are filled for Kochadaiiyan for years and years. I think people will like it. I would like to say in this 100th year of Indian Cinema..when the history of Indian Cinema will be written, it will be before Kochadaiiyan (BK) and after Kochadaiiyan (AK)” , said the acting legend, with a dash of poetry.
Both the stars have earlier worked in films like Hum in Bollywood – the brotherhood between Rajini and Amitabh were felt from right then. “We have worked together in several films. There is grace, humility in him..he is very down to earth person. Off the screen we often discuss about life, cinema..” he shared.
Kochadaiiyan is a magnum opus made in Tamil by Soundarya Rajinikanth and stars Deepika Padukone in the female lead. The movie underwent several touch ups, especially in the post production stage, causing the delay.