Jeeva Shankar’s movie Amara Kaaviyam, produced by actor Arya, which launches his brother Sathya in to the industry and actress Mia George into Kollywood, finally wrapped up its shoot on the 22nd and entered the post production stages.
The entire cast and crew celebrated the event with cheer and gusto with some light partying and of course, the ceremonial ‘cake cutting’. The director Jeeva thanked the crew and the actors for their work and support whilst personally serving them the traditional celebratory dessert and they in turn, thanked him for letting them be a part of such an ‘epic’ project.
The actors, both Sathya and Mia, were of course thrilled and couldn’t contain their excitement that the hard part was over for them now, and that the project was moving forward to its final stages, drawing that all important moment in their careers closer and closer.
Sathya, in fact, expressed this sentiment by taking the director, fellow actors, technicians and the direction/cinematography team to dinner at the Temple Bay – a gesture greatly appreciated by all involved.
One hopes Arya, who has had success as an actor, though not ‘top tier’ yet, will shine as a producer and while providing a platform for his brother, would also serve the fans by bringing something refreshing, original and entertaining.
On a similar note, M Ghibran’s music and Jeeva’s own cinematography should serve the telling of this romantic tale well.