Actress Amala Paul is all set to enter a life of marital bliss with her beau, director Vijay, with an engagement ceremony on June 7 in Kochi and the wedding itself to take place on June 12 in Chennai, according to sources. However, she is also set to start filming a Mollywood project titled Mili, directed by Rajesh Pillai, opposite Nivin Pauly in a cameo role on May 5. It means the completely professional young starlet will rejoin the set of her new film not soon after tying the knot with her true love.
It is certainly not uncommon for actresses to take a step back from the acting game or even completely retire from the industry once they get married and in fact, Amala’s decision comes in the wake of rumours that another beloved young actress, Nazriya Nazim, may quit acting after her wedding to actor Fahad Fazil in August. The reports are unconfirmed but sources say Nazriya is declining to accept new projects and may have returned advances on existing work she committed to.
Amala, however, seems focused on her career for now and loyal to her huge and devoted fan base which she acquired over a surprisingly short span of time in the industry.
Mili, the upcoming movie, is said to be a female character oriented one and Amala will be playing a strong and independent girl. The flick will be entertaining and thought provoking, says Rajesh, who also added that there will be an underlying social message in this one too like his previous hit flick Traffic.
The rest of the details about the movie are yet unknown at this point although there is the fact that this will be Amala’s first project opposite Nivin.
We wish the dedicated Ms. Amala Paul a successful career and an even more joyous married life… Keep the movies coming!