Hero Srikanth’s new film titled "All The Best" in the direction of actor turned director JD Chakravarthy has completed the two schedules of shooting.Apart from direction JD Chakravarthy is also playing an important role in this film. Recently the film unit was shot two songs in Dubai on Srikanth- Lucky Sharma and JD Chakravarthy-Anisha Singh under the supervision of Amma Rajasekhar master.
Presently the movie DTS works are under progress along with the film shooting.The film makers are planning to release the audio of the film in the last week of this month and the movie in June second week.Lucky Sharma and Anisha Singh are playing the female lead roles in this film.
The film is being produced by J.Sambasiva Rao under Sudha Cinema banner.Singer Hema Chandra is composing the music for this film.
The film has Chandra Mohan,Kota Srinivasarao,Brahmanandam,Chandramohan, Pradeep Ravat, Raghu Babu, Krishna Bhagavan, Rao Ramesh, Brahmaji, Jeeva, Suttivelu and many others in other lead roles.