It was the multi talented Vineeth Srinivasan who introduced Nivin Pauly and Aju Varghese to the Malayalam movie fans and the industry at large, through the small but ambitious movie Malarvadi Arts Club. Then the trio got together again for what would become one of the biggest hits in the past few years – Thattathin Marayathu. The romantic movie, which also introduced the gorgeous Isha Talwar to Mollywood, was later remade in Telugu as well. It gained Nivin Pauly a star status, which the actor later maintained with hits like 1983.
Now, it seems the trio are back together again doing what they do best – making original and sensational hits!
This time the script will be by Vineeth, while Nivin and Aju will take on the lead roles. The first time director Prajith Karanavar, is a former associate of Vineeth’s and the producer is reported to be Vinod Shornur of LJ Films.
Vineeth is thrilled about the project and his choice of cast and crew. He is currently on a performance tour of the USA, on which he embarked today.
The busier than ever Nivin is involved in multiple projects including the yet to be launched Amala Paul starrer Mili directed by Rajesh Pillai. The filming is start on May 5 and Amala will leave and then rejoin the set in between for her wedding to Tamil director EL Vijay.