Actress Thananya Marrying a Doctor!

Thananya and Aryan Marriage

Actress Thananya, who is new to Telugu audience but she is a Telugu girl and made her film debut in Kollywood with the film “Kunguma Poovum Konum Puravum”. She is all set to marry a Telugu doctor Aryan on May 1st, 2015.

As per the reports Thananya will set to marry Dr.Aryan who is a neurologist and a native of Hyderabad. Thananya also a doctor and she is a dentist by profession. She did modelling also , with that she got offers in Tamil film industry.

See: Actress Thananya Engagement Photos

Now she is getting ready to marry a person who also belongs to the same field. Dr. Aryan is a neurologist. The wedding reception will be held in Hyderabad after marriage.

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