Rape once again in Bollywood. Actor Inder Kumar has been arrested by the Versova police today after a 22 old young woman alleged that he tried to rape her while promising her to get roles in the films. As per the girl’s accusations, Inder Kumar asked her to stay with him at his Versova Flat in Andheri West as he is trying to get her the main lead in the films.
The police who have taken down the woman’s statement have now sent her to be examined medically to prove the grounds for rape.
Police Inspector of Versova Zone Police Station made a statement to this effect – “This seems to be a case of casting couch. We have booked Inder Kumar for rape under section 376 and 506 for criminal intimidation under the Indian Penal Code,” said a police officer from the Versova police station.
A similar incident occurred way back with actor Shiney Ahuja, who was taken into custody after raping a domestic help. The case is still on trial.