Bollywood’s versatile actor Aamir Khan was confirmed for Villain role in Yash Raj Film’s ‘Dhoom 3’.Aamir Khan has signed on last night(Febraury 1) for this role.
‘Dhoom 3’ will of course have the regulars played by Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra. And Aamir will turn bad boy in the tradition of John Abraham and Hrithik Roshan in the first two ‘Dhoom’ movies.
So what made the experimental Aamir sign on for the super commercial franchise that is ‘Dhoom’? Well, it seems he was very impressed with the script and also the way he his character in particular was written and also styled. The star is already working on his look in the movie with Aditya Chopra. The movie will release in late 2012.