After earning an impressive Rs. 12.42 crore at the ticket windows on Friday, Alia Bhatt-Arjun Kapoor-starrer 2 States continued to earn moolah at the box office through the first weekend of its release.
The collections further picked up on Sunday to Rs. 13, 51 crore, making a total of Rs. 38.06 crore over the first weekend.
Mixed reviews notwithstanding, there was a lot of buzz around the movie based on a semi-autobiographical novel by Chetan Bhagat by the same name. Bhagat’s track record at the Box Office also had to do something with the success of the film – screen adaptations of his earlier books Kai Po Che and 3 Idiots (a “loose” adaptation of Five Point Someone) went on to mint money.
With the first day collection, 2 States has become the third biggest Bollywood opener this year after Salman Khan’s Jai Ho (Rs 17 crore) and Ranveer Singh-Priyanka Chopra-Arjun Kapoor-starrer Gunday (Rs 16.12 crore).
“#2States has a FANTABULOUS weekend. Fri Rs 12.42 cr, Sat 12.13 cr, Sun 13.51 cr. Total: ₹ 38.06 cr nett. SUPER HIT.”, tweeted the well-known Trade analyst Taran Adarsh.
With the movie breaking records one after another, it sure seems to be impressing more than just ‘2 States’!