The song trailer of the film 2 States, was released by Dharma Productions today. Titled Mast Magan, the song features Arjun Kapoor who plays the role of Krish and Alia Bhatt who plays the role of Ananya in the movie. The song, shot widely with scenes showing college, Alia’s hometown and Arjun’s office, looks interesting.
The film based on Chetan Bhagat’s novel 2 States, has been directed by Abhishek Varman. A direct adaptation of the story from the novel, 2 States is about a North Indian boy falling for the South Indian girl and the series of events that follow.
Mast Magan, sung by Arijit Singh and Chinmayi Sripada, has been composed by musical trio Shankar – Ehsaan – Loy. The song is catchy and endearing. The South Indian look of Alia Bhatt is quite impressive, adding value to the character.